Other Events
Event Information
Event | Date | Venue |
Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Oncologists |
November 13-15, 2020 |
This is a fully Virtual Conference. Pre-registration link: https://slco.asiatours.lk/pre-registration-2020/ Website link: www.slco.lk |
SLCO wishes to invite FARO members to join the Sri Lanka College of Oncologists Annual Academic Sessions 2020. There is no registration fee.
Event | Date | Venue |
PROADVANCE webinar of the Indian College of Radiation Oncology / Association of Radiation Oncologists of India |
November 24-26, 2021 |
This is a fully Virtual Conference. Pre-registration link: https://webstream.streamcart.com/live/sunicroprodvance2021 Website link: |
ICRO/AROI are opening the webinar to FARO Members.